ESG Malaysia
Supporting ESG transformation in Malaysia through empowering individuals and organisation, capacity building, and providing collaborative network within our community
Building A Community
The formation of this organisation started out with the idea of supporting the ESG transformation in Malaysia. We believe that ESG is a way to create long-term value for shareholders, employees and the community as a whole when it comes on doing business.
As such, we wanted to develop a holistic and inclusive knowledge hub on ESG whereby both the public and ESG as well as sustainability professionals can have access to the latest insights as well as gain access to events and networking opportunities within our community.
Join us on this journey and let us make an impact to Malaysia's ESG transformation.
Our Community
Individuals Following Us in LinkedIn
Registered Members in Various Levels
Partner and Collaborative Members
Events, Workshops, and Seminar Supported
Key Members
Key members in ESG Malaysia work in a pro-bono capacity to promote and support the organisation's vision and missions. They collaborate with policymakers, other NGOs and NPOs as well as industry leaders to create a supportive environment for ESG adoption.